Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Repurpose Reuse Upcycle For Memories to Last

Repurpose, Reuse, Upcycle, Recycle For Memories to Last

Thrifty Shop Girl is curious as to why so many of us like this diy crafting of repurposing, upcycling, and reusing. Just curious to see what everyone's reasons are for this wonderful technique. 

I know there are many of us who do it because we enjoy it. Others like to preserve items found, or things from our past. Some of us like to freshen up what we have to make it just a little bit more modern to fit in with our decor of today. Then, there are some of us who just hate throwing things away, and try to find other ways to use such items that we have too. Of course, when we are thrifting, and junking we also find many unwanted treasures that we can use for this pleasure as well. 

There are many people all around us who do this for themselves, and there are many out there who do this for the purpose of selling too. Some do it as a hobby, and many others have mastered having their own business with this too. 

Upcycling, and Repurposing is the use of old items for new purposes. Reuse discarded materials for creating something of value. I myself like to repurpose items that may have the potential for something fresh, and because it makes it unique. I adore giving new life to once loved treasures, but also adore a new life added to my home, and to the homes of others too. 

So so many things are used with this wonderful diy craft that the list is endless. Headboards are made from shutters, bi-fold doors, old wire fence doors, pallets, etc. Many people will use pieces of jewelry to either make new pieces, maybe use them for around picture frames of loved ones, adding to cards, and the possibilities are endless. I have seen some really neat suitcases used by adding expandable files to them for the office, and for holding precious family papers too. Another neat idea is using some of them old sweaters for making unique market bags to be used, or for wonderful handbags as well. What about some of those mason jars, and what people do with them? Making them candle holders, adding solar lights to them, making soap dispensers with them, and so on. Just amazing what everyone can do with such lovelies. 

Whether you are a seller, business owner, hobbyist, etc it is a joy when the job is completed, and brings much satisfaction to many of us. Some people do not have the time for this craft, or feel they are not able to do so and will buy from others that do. Whatever your reasons may be it brings joy to all around us. 

Repurpose, and Upcycle For Memories to Last. Hang onto some of those family memories, and preserve them with this craft. 

Thanks so much for visiting with Thrifty Shop Girl, and hope to see you all again soon. Take care, and Happy Thrifting everyone!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Trunks Vintage Antique Retro Refinished DIY

                                            How to Refinish An Antique Trunk

                                           Vintage Trunks Are Collectible Treasures

                                       Trunks Vintage Details Large and Fun

Trunks Vintage Antique Retro Refinished DIY. Love them, and they are so fun! I want one!

Hey everyone, how did your weekend go? Hope all was good. I made my first visit to a consignment store in another area I have not really dealt with. She had a nice store. In there I seen an old trunk with her vintage items, a more modern retro trunk, and then she also had an old military metal trunk too. Oh, what fun it was to look, and what memories it brought to me too. 

I have watched trunks over time with vintage, how some are refinished with wax or paint, brought back to life, and sometimes converted into other useful things to use in the home. Amazing pieces, and I will find one that I just have to have some day, and get it. Till then it sure is a lot of fun looking.

Thanks so much for visiting with Thrifty Shop Girl today, and hope to see ya'll again soon. Happy Thrift Shopping! See ya later.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

We Made It / Here is Saturday Here is Our Weekend

We Made It! Here is Saturday, and here is our weekend . . . WooHoo!

Hey, I hope ya'll had a super Friday, had a great evening, and made to here okay today. So, how did the week go? Did you get all of your thrifting, and hunting done that you wanted to? How about some of them DIY projects. Are we getting things done there as well? It is sooo hard when it is summertime, and nice out too, right? Not to worry as there is still time to do things. 

Wishing you all a wonderful happy fun Saturday, and enjoy your weekend. May you accomplish your goals for the weekend, and are able to set some simple goals to accomplish this next week. 

If you are thrifting, or junking today . . . Wishing you lots of luck, and some happy finds too! 

Thanks for stopping by Thrifty Shop Girl, and see you all again soon. Till the next time my friends . . Happy Thrifting!

Friday, July 26, 2013

WooHoo! Its Friday, and Here Comes the Weekend

WooHoo!! Here is Friday, and it's a beautiful day out too! Stopping by to wish you all a fabulous thrifting Friday, and may your weekend be full of yard sales and thrifting too. 

Suppose to have rain, or storms last night. But, we got neither . . . darn! We really truly could use some rain here, and wish we would have at least gotten that. It has cooled off a bit, and the nights have been cooler too. Last night was kind of dampish feeling, but no rain. 

Anyways, hope you all have a shabby thrifting Friday. May you accomplish all you wish to this weekend. 

Thanks for stopping by Thrifty Shop Girl, and having a visit. Take care, and see you all again soon. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vintage Collectibles Cast Aluminum Wall Plaque

Sometimes we do not have to go outside our homes to go thrifting. Once in a while some good old house cleaning, organizing, and downsizing can make a big difference for us all too. Well, upon going through things at home, look at what I found! I forgot I had this, and of course had a good laugh with it too. Had it sitting out for a while so that the kids could laugh at it when they visited, and of course for hubby to get a chuckle about it too. 

I remember this piece being at my grandparent's place on the farm. Yes, they were farmers all their lives, and they sure had some yummy finds just going through their barns, and things too. I so miss those days, and some of the things that had disappeared over time too. 

Anyway, what a conversational piece this could make for another happy home. Would give everyone a good chuckle when visiting you. I have this listed with Ebay with free shipping. Hop on over to have a look, see all the pictures, read the description, and see the details. If you have any specific questions make sure to contact Me as I would be happy to assist you. 

Thanks for visiting with Thrifty Shop Girl, and hope to see you again soon. Happy Thrifting!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Guess What Day It Is, Happy Hump Day!

Guess What Day it is . . . Thinking of that commercial with the camel? I just now thought of it when I was getting started with this for today. LOL:) Happy Hump Day Everyone!

So, it's mid week, and what have ya'll done this week? I have spent time mowing the farm, keeping house with vacuuming, dusting, and all of that stuff. Been by myself this week with hubby being out in the truck. 

No thrifting done for me this week. I have put a few pieces on the dining room table I hope to unite, glue, and get couple of pieces done at least. Yes, I will make sure to take some pics to share with ya'll what I have done with some past thrift finds. 

It's Wednesday, and I do wish you all a wonderful day. Thanks so much for visiting with Thrifty Shop Girl, and hope to see ya'll again soon. Till the next time everyone . . . . Happy Hump Day!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Thrift Shop Finds From Weekend Thrifting

                                   Thrift Shop Finds For Home Decor

        Thrift Shop Weekend Finds Bowl and Matching Plate

       Weekend Thrift Shop Finds Butterflies and Blue Glass

 Weekend Thrifty Shop Finds Green Glass and Aqua Glass Jar

 Thrifty Shopping Finds With Wooden Fence and Blanket Home Decor

                 Thrifty Shop Finds For Spiral Notebook

Thrift Shop Finds From Weekend Thrifting, and what fun it is too!

Welcome to Thrifty Shop Girl, and I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! Great weather here, thought maybe rain, but it didn't happen. Instead I hit one of the local shops just to get out of the house, you know what I mean? LOL:) Anyways, above you will see the little goodies that I found to bring home. This is one shop I like to visit with now, and then. Their prices are generally very reasonable, and sometimes I am lucky finding things too. 

Now, some of the items pictured above of course are to fit into my own home decor, or to use in the office too. As for the remaining pieces I have some plans for them. I have been gathering a few odds, and ends so that I can get busy with some repurposing, and upcycling of things. I enjoy doing it, have fun with visualizing, and creating a few things. A few posts later from now I am hoping to be able to share with you the completed pieces. 

With these completed pieces they sometimes will stay with my home, are given as gifts, but most times I put them into my shops online to offer to everyone. Ecrater, Etsy, and sometimes at Ebay I offer such things. Everyone should be able to also enjoy these things too. But, some do not have the time to do it themselves. As a customer once told me she could do some of the things I do, but does not have the time or patience for it. She would rather pay someone who has done the work of finding pieces, putting them together, and sometimes adding some of the pretties with it too. 

So, tell me, how was the weekend for everyone else? Were you able to go thrifting, maybe junking, of just some good old digging and hunting for things? Such a wonderful way to pass time, and better yet if you have a friend with you that also enjoys the same things. 

Wishing you all a wonderful Monday, and thanks so much for visiting with Thrifty Shop Girl. I enjoy it, and hope to see you again soon. Till the next time my friends, Happy Thrifting!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Happy Thrift Shopping and Treasure Hunting Everyone

Woo Hoo, it's Friday!! Happy Thrift Shopping, and Treasure Hunting to all of you! Thrift Shops, Second Hand Shops, Vintage Collectibles, DIY, Repurposing, and all of that fun stuff . . . . May you all enjoy, and have your fill of it this weekend! 

Friday is beginning for many of us. Wishing you all a Wonderful Friday, and have a Fun filled weekend too! See you all again on Monday. Toodle Ooohh . . . . 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Thrift Store Finds Repurposed and Reused in Home Decor

                 Thrift Store Finds With Vintage, and Home Decor

                   Front and Back View of Brown Beaded Jeweled Watch

                          Black Iron Scroll Knick Knack Stand

                    Thrift Store Finds Used For Bathroom Home Decor

                           Black Scroll Knick Knack Stand Has New Use

Thrift Store Finds Repurposed and Reused in Home Decor is so much fun!

Above you will see more pictures from another time of thrift shop finds that I brought home. I love having them old wood hangers, and some day I will show you what I do with them as I am collecting for an idea right now. I bought the black scroll stand thinking I could use it in our downstairs bathroom that is small. I was hesitant, but wanted to try it. I could have left it there with rolls of toilet paper in it against the wall. It would have worked, but I was just not comfortable or sold on the idea yet. I kept thinking this would work better in the upstairs bathroom that was remodeled, but I already have a new built in cupboard for storage.

I then was looking at the other finds I had brought home with the gold filigree mirrored tray, the aqua bottle, the votive candle holders that also showed aqua coloring, and it came together for me. So, now on the toilet tank I have put the mirrored tray, the bottle, the votive holders . . . which do have tea lite candles in them with blue wicks! I then added couple rolls of toilet paper, and this feels more comfortable for this bathroom. Blends more with the wood in there, the counter top, and the shower curtain which is next to the stool also. 

Now, what to do with the black scroll stand. I took it from the bathroom, and put it against the wall in our office/computer room which has a digital clock above it. As I sat at the desk working on the computer I would glance over at the stand. Then, I thought maybe it could work. So, I put something solid on the second shelf so that the slots above I could use for mail as you see pictured. Couple of shelves below this I then put 2 small boxes of the small envelopes there, and right below that shelf I put another small box of small envelopes. Yes, this stand will help me to organize some of the smaller things, and put them at reach for me too. 

Aren't Thrift Shops, and Second Hand stores a blast?! If you like creating for your shops online, or even to treat yourself with working for your home decor, it all works when you go thrifting. Sometimes I have done some junking, and found some really sweet things to use too. 

It's Wednesday, and wishing you all a Happy Hump Day! Mid week, and it is about time for yard sales and other sales to happen for the end of the week. I am ready, are you?:)

Thanks for visiting with Thrifty Shop Girl today, and hope to see ya'll again soon. Happy Thrifting my friends, and have fun searching for all the possibilities!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Thrift Shop Fun Over the Weekend

Thrift Shop Fun Over the Weekend was not quite as productive as I would have liked. But, hey I did get a few things at one thrift shop. 

I like them older tin pie plates. I am slowly trying to collect a few of them as I have a creative project in mind for them. If I could ever get enough for my thought I will then be able to share the results with ya'll here. 

I adore the white, and blue quiche pie dish that I found. Very soft blue coloring, very white, shiny, clean, and looks unused too. I am thinking of adding a blue glass goblet to the bottom of it to make a cake cupcake stand. What is great about those stands is they have many possibilities, and uses for them too. Serving, kitchen organizing, bathroom organizing, office organizing, holidays, special occasions, gifts, and endless possibilities. 

Well, I slacked off this past week with my shops at Ecrater and Etsy, and with my blogs. It's summer time, and it happens to me now and then. How about you? I spent one day mowing the yard, and one of the big old evergreens decided it needed to come alive, and attach me. I got a big old bruise on my hand from it, scratched arm and leg too. Hubby has orders to be using the saw to do some trimming of this tree so I am not attached again....LOL:) I have spent some time with getting pictures done, and researching a few things to list with Ebay since they are having a special this week with listing. Not my most favorite place to use, but I do need to clean house a bit too.

I will have to come back, and share more pictures with you have some more thrift store finds, and what I have done with some of those items. I am reusing things into my home decor with the office, and in our bathroom. What fun when you can add a little sparkle, and creativity to your life, isn't it?

Hope ya'll had a wonderful 4th of July holiday, and that you have a gorgeous week too! Seasons will soon change, school soon starting, and I have got to get a move on to get a few more projects done myself. 

Thanks for sharing your time with Thrifty Shop Girl, and hope to see ya'll again real soon. Have a sweet day everyone!!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July to Everyone!

Happy 4th of July Everyone!!

Today is a day of celebration for all of  "US"  and to remember too. I do ask that if you see any military personnel today that you give them a thanks, shake their hand, salute them, and show your appreciation to them for our freedoms of today. Also, say a prayer for those who are over seas that could not be home with their family, and friends to celebrate this day with them. Most of all, please remember those who have fallen for us in fighting for our country, and our freedoms. I have read it, and do believe that the government is not fully credited for what we have today. Our military is the reasons that we have our freedoms of today as they have fought for us, and some gave their lives for us as well. 

Our son is in the army, and yesterday I was able to get him from base so that he could come home for the weekend. So many men, and women I seen in uniform yesterday, and some in their civilian clothes too. Some of these are higher ranks, live on base, and have their families with them as well. This is just one base. There are many others through out the United States. Some of it is for basic training, places they go to after their basic training, and then the bases for when they are assigned their units they will be with for a while. Some are at units that are waiting to deploy . . . to go to Afghanistan, or across seas some where. So many of them who have chosen to fight for us, our country, and our freedoms we at home are able to enjoy. 

Remember to give thanks to someone you see in the military, and to remember those fallen as well. Enjoy today, have fun, and be safe too! Safe travels, and 
Happy 4th of July to all of you!!

Thanks for visiting Thrifty Shop Girl, and hope to see you all again soon. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Do It Yourself Light Switch Covers

                       Brown and Blue Damask Light Switch Cover

                                      Lady Bug Light Switch Cover

                                   Bees and Yellow Light Switch Cover

           Black and White Antique Toile Light Switch Plate Covers

Do It Yourself Light Switch Plate Covers

This is a rather simple, and fun do it yourself project that you could have fun with! If you do not feel the need of doing this yourself you can find designs with some of the stores, or you could also find some wonderfully talented artisans who do make these. Check on the internet, and also check with Etsy or other market places on the internet as well.

First thing is to find some switch plates from the Dollar Stores, Hardware Stores, Walmart, Target, Shopko, and such like that they can also be found with. Make sure you have a brush, glue, some paint if you want, papers of sorts (tissue, scrapbook paper, wrapping paper, etc) mod podge, embellishments, and things like that. Lay the plates down on the paper, and cut. Make sure paper is just a bit longer so that you can wrap it underneath the plates. From here you can do all sorts of things for the switch plates to fit with the rooms you want them in. Don't forget you can also do the plug in plates too. 

These is really neat to do for them small changes you want when you change your decor, great change for the seasons, maybe there is just some small change you are looking for which this could be it, and etc. 

How fun to do it yourself, and be creative! Always a nice way to put a little touch of something that you did yourself, don't you think?

Hope you enjoyed this little do it yourself project shared with you today. Have fun creating, and adding them small touches with your decor. 

Thanks so much for sharing your time with Thrifty Shop Girl, and hope to see you again soon. Take care, and Happy Creating too!