Monday, September 24, 2012

Good Morning Thrifters Junkers Good Will Searchers

Good Morning Thrifters Junkers and Good Will Searchers.

Welcome to Thrifty Shop Girl, and glad to see you! So, tell me how was your weekend? Mine wasn't too bad here. Nice weather, been cooler at night, birthday celebrations Saturday night, and found some fun thrifting items too. 

I so enjoy glassware because I see possibilities with pieces that I get at once, or over time I collect pieces that eventually fit together the way I need them too. Along the way it never hurts to pick up a few other items that can some day serve a purpose in need too. Below you will see some pieces that I had found, brought home, and have been washed and cleaned. The green glass relish plate did not really need any cleaning, looks almost like new, but gave it a minor rinse anyway. I found a small glass candy bowl, an adorable yellow ceramic bowl, 2 glass candle holders, and a pair of clip on earrings. The shorter wider glass candle holder washed up nicely. Has a very slight light iridescent color to it when the sunshine is on it. Actually, I used it as the pedestal base on the green glass relish tray. They look very nice together. The other pieces I had found while thrifting will eventually find usage in ways for me too. 

I want to thank you so much for sharing your time at Thrifty Shop Girl, and visiting my blog today. Hope to see you again soon. Happy Thrift Store Shopping everyone till the next time. Toodle Loo......

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Thrifting Found Vintage Wooden Hangers Green Vase

Thrifting Found Vintage Wooden Hangers, a Green Vase, and some little goodies.

Hello, and Welcome to Thrifty Shop Girl everyone! Glad to have you here with me today. Another beautiful day, and it's going to be a great weekend for us too. As you are aware I am still working on downsizing our home, and did not do near as much Thrifting, Yard Saling, and Junking this year as I would have loved to have done. It is always hard to know what to keep, what to be rid of, donate, do I really need to keep this or this, and etc. It so happens that I am not the only one that faces these same issues...whew! 

It is hard because we all like the glitter, the glamor, the collecting of pieces, and also finding pieces that some craft or repurpose with too. I did find someone making a comment that has kind of stuck with me too. I will share it with you, and see what you think of it. "All we truly need is one another. The rest is just, well, stuff." How true! Much of it is stuff, some of it is personal/family memories which are always good to keep, etc. So, this summer I have held myself back, and when I did go Thrifting I was a bit more selective with few pieces I would get too. 

Above is a small amount that had come from another estate sale I had attended. I seen a few more things, liked them, but sometimes some of the prices are not anything to deal with too. On this particular trip I did get some wonderful old time hangers. I have some ideas, and hope by spring to implement some of it too. I did find a green glass vase that is also a vintage piece along with an aqua colored wrapped wired hanger for ties, and some adorable coasters too. Wasn't much, but it did satisfy me at this particular time with these few items. 

I want to thank you for sharing your time with Thrifty Shop Girl, and I look forward to you visiting again as well. Take care, and have a wonderful weekend everyone! Happy Thrifting:)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Have a Great Day and Wonderful Weekend Everyone

Have a Great Day, and a Wonderful Weekend Everyone in Blogland!

Hello, and Welcome to Thrifty Shop Girl! Glad to have you here, and happy that you found me too. First of all, I finally did it. I now have a .com domain from GoDaddy that leads to my blog here. So much easier to remember too. Yes, you can now find me at I will try it for the year, play with it, test it a bit, and will enjoy it till then too. 

I hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday weekend. Mine wasn't too bad. I got to see a very good friend of mine that I do not often see because of the distance apart we live. Course, when we get together we like to talk 'shop' all the time. You know, talk about any new thrift stores we found, or heard of. What we found when we were out thrifting. We also like to discuss different things, and different techniques of repurposing, and upcycling some of the pieces too. We could carry on forever it seems like, and our time really does pass fast. Never enough time together to cover everything. So, we have to then revert to emailing, sending pictures, or showing our listings of what we are offering for sale. 

Wow! Holiday weekend is done, and gone. Here is the weekend again already! Any big plans anyone? Nothing here really. The County fair does start this weekend, but not sure if I will make it over there, or not. I need to get pictures done so that I can share some pieces I had found during my thrifting times. Hmmm....maybe I will share a few pictures of what I have done with some pieces too. 

Hey, thanks so much for visiting, and sharing your time with Thrifty Shop Girl! Always nice to have you visit with Me, and hope to see you again soon. Take care, and have a wonderful weekend everyone!:)


Monday, September 3, 2012

To Everyone Visiting Happy Labor Day

To Everyone Visiting Happy Labor Day!

Thank you for visiting with Thrifty Shop Girl today everyone, and glad you found Me! Stopping in to drop you all a quick note wishing you a Happy Labor Day.

Be safe, enjoy, and have fun with all that you will be doing today. Safe travels to all.....there are some crazy drivers out there ya know!...LOL:) I wish you all well, and see you again soon. Take care everyone.