Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Memorial Day and Weekend to All Bloggers and Blogland

Happy Memorial Day and Weekend to All Bloggers and Blogland!

Welcome to Thrifty Shop Girl everyone, and glad to have you visiting with me! Wanted to stop by, and leave ya'll a quick note wishing you a wonderful fun, enjoyable, and safe holiday weekend! Hope ya'll are enjoying the time, and it has been all you wanted it to be. While out, and about I ask that you will also remember those men, and women who are gone from us. Pay tribute to them by remembering them, and thanking them for what they have done for us to have our freedoms of today. Prayers to family, and friends of those gone. A big thank you to those who lost someone in the are in my prayers. 

So, any big plans this weekend, or for tomorrow? Great having a long weekend wasn't it? On Friday I stopped at a garage sale, and hit a big rummage sale. But, did not find anything that yelled at me to rescue it. Not this time anyway. There will be plenty more...summer is just begining:)

Time to be off for the night for me. Yesterday I painted some more in the bedrooms. Today I lounged more, and did some computer work. Always something to do. Hope this finds all of you doing well, having fun, and enjoying your Holiday. Take care everyone, and be safe!:) Thanks for visiting with Thrifty Shop Girl! See ya'll again real soon.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Thrifting Glassware Home Decor And Junking Too

Thrifting, Glassware, Home Decor, and Junking too! 

Been a while since I been thrifting, and digging. Bothering me too. Weather has been good, some sales happening, and I LOVE this time of year! But, I need to make more room, get a few things done with remodeling of the house to make the room, and to remind myself we are moving too. LOL:) Nothing like putting a damper on a Shop Girl's lively hood, right?:)

Pictured above you will see a few pieces I did find between a couple of thrift stores. Nothing much. Gotta be in the right mood to shop, and all I seem to be interested in that day was glassware. That is fine though because there are some pretty pieces to be found in glassware, and there is soooo much a person can do with reusing, and repurposing glassware also. I did something with the plate, and I'll have to see what file I put that pic in for me to share with ya'll. Turned out kind of cute, and is definitely a keeper for someone who likes the pretty, and simplicity of things too. 

Holiday weekend is almost here. Hope ya'll have plans, and are able to enjoy the time. Thanks so much for sharing your time with Thrifty Shop Girl, and see you again soon. Make sure to say Hi, and share about your thrifting adventures too. Take care.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Welcome to Thrifty Shop Girl New Blog

Hello Everyone, and Welcome to Thrifty Shop Girl! Glad to have you stopping by, and visiting with Me! As you can see this is a new blog, new postings, and just new everything. I started this blog to be more of a personal one for me doing what I like to do, and sharing what I like to do also. Hmm...nice break from reality for a bit from my business blog, online stores, and etc. 

So, making some notes, getting some ideas of what I want to share here, and hopefully we can have some fun doing it too! Nothing formal, nothing fancy, just down to earth simplicity and back to the basics of things. I am usually seen walking aisles of a good ole Thrift Shop, Good Will, Second Hand Store, Consignment Shops looking for the perfect find. Now, don't get worried if you see my feet hanging out a dumpster as I have been known to do that too!

I would love for you to join me as I go thrifting, and sometimes creating unique pieces for the home, outside, or maybe even for your home too! When thrifting I hunt for things of interest which would be vintage with a twist sometimes, mixing old and new, decorating, some cool collections, maybe some unique finds . . . and the list goes on and on!

Here is to thrifting, and thinking outside the box! Thanks for stopping by to visit with Me everyone. See ya'll again real soon. Have a wonderful weekend!:)