Saturday, June 15, 2013

Have a Wonderful Fun Filled Saturday

Have a Wonderful Fun Filled Saturday Everyone!

Finally able to hop on by here to let everyone know I was absent due to a computer issue. I was working on my posts I wanted to have done for here. Moving right along, and all of a sudden the screen went black. No warning! 

So, I waited few minutes, and turned the computer off, and back on. Screen was coming in, and out till it finally would stay black. Had sound, and everything just no screen. So, on Thursday I was lucky enough to be able to get the monitor to a computer place to have it diagnosed for me. I was really hoping it would be a new power cord that was needed, or maybe a new vsg cord needed. Unfortunately, I was not so luck. I was told I would need a new monitor. 

I spent all day today hitting yard sales, some of the thrift stores in the area, and was about to give up when I found a monitor that I was able to get. Bit smaller than my other one, but it will do for now. It's new, it runs, and it will be a back up monitor if ever needed too. 

Hopefully soon I will get to the cities where I can spend more time looking, and definitely have some choices of ones to choose from too. 

By the way while driving to another location to search for a monitor I had a neat idea in the car about what to do with the one not working. As the tech told me for the age of the screen it is in good condition. So, I decided instead of throwing it out I want to repurpose the monitor. I am thinking of maybe putting some sort of cork board over it, or around the outer edging not touching the screen. I then want to add a small edge to it as well. I could then use it in the office as a message center, or I could use it on the kitchen counter as a message center too. With the edge it would have I could also set maybe a cookbook on it with recipes to use when cooking too. I am really liking this idea, and have been having visions of it too. 

Hope this finds ya'll doing well, and thanks so much for sharing some time with Thrifty Shop Girl. Enjoy your Saturday! Have fun, and hope you are able to do some thrifting, or yard sales too. See you all again soon. 

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