Hi! Welcome to ThriftyShopGirl! Glad to have you dropping by.
First, I need to apologize because it’s been a month+ since I was last here. Was not my intention to do that. I think some of it has to do with the mood of the time of year, holidays are done, started a new year, taxes getting done, weather, and yeah…know what I mean? Been going through the motions of everyday tasks. I have more I want to do, but it kind of found its way to the back burner.
I have a really big project to work on which is the basement. I started to do some work, and more things were brought down, and stored. Kind of hard to see the path I was starting to make to be able to walk a bit around things. The other side of the basement I was pushed into a corner with my craft table, and all my craft things were just piled on floor, piled on top of each other, and it’s a horrible mess! Soooo, I keep thinking about it, planning to go down there early afternoons to work, and I haven’t done it. Keep pushing it off. I get busy with something else, spending time on a house duty, back hurts, etc. Sorry excuses, and I just need to do it. Need to organize things again, and go through containers to start downsizing more.
My husband and I live in our son’s home. We should have kept the place we were in prior to this…would have been paid off now too. But, thinking it might be better for all of us to do this. Help son get started, and help us too. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been like that. Hubby, and I making plans to be moved out as soon as we can later this year. Long story, but we need to so we can keep our sanity.
So, yes the basement is a big project I truly need to work on. Things have been sitting in containers, they aren’t missed, or thought of so time to let things go again. Plus, I have the fear of if I don’t work on it our son will start throwing things out as he has threatened many times. I later found out when we were moving from our other home he was throwing things then he didn’t think were needed, or didn’t look important. Like I said, long story. I don’t need to bore y’all with that.
So, how has everyone been doing? Busy, stupid weather, or maybe some feeling this slump like I am too. If you are, hang in there! It will pass, and we can step forward with things.
Thanks so much for visiting with ThriftyShopGirl today. I really am anxious for spring to do some thrifting, yard sales, go junking, and just a few of my favorite things. Take care till the next time. Talk to y’all later. Toodles!